Help needed for House Martins

The return of the familiar House Martin is one of the highlights of spring.  But will it be a familiar sight for future generations? In recent years, the numbers breeding in the UK have fallen by two-thirds, leading to the species being amber listed as a bird of conservation concern and in need of some... Continue Reading →

Irish Curlews Crash

Between 1995-2008, Curlew has suffered a decline of 46% as a breeding bird in Wales (1).  News has now emerged from Ireland of a dramatic decrease in their population of breeding Curlews over the last twenty years. During the last Breeding Atlas, in 1988-91, the Irish population of Curlews was estimated at around 5,000 pairs.... Continue Reading →

State of Birds in Wales, 2010

The latest edition of the annual report State of Birds in Wales has just been published.  It draws heavily on the wide range of BTO surveys undertaken by volunteers in Wales. There's a wealth of information to discover, with sections on seabirds, wintering waders, rare breeders and widespread breeders. Population changes for species are outlined.  Golden... Continue Reading →

Hen Harriers in Decline

It is always a thrill to see a Hen Harrier, be it a ring-tail or a magnificent grey male.  Sadly, across the UK the species continues to be illegally persecuted and their numbers continue to fall at an alarming rate. Wales is bucking this trend, with breeding pairs increasing to 57 in 2010. The species... Continue Reading →

Marsh Tit Dispersal and Population Decline

Marsh Tit has experienced a marked decline in the UK, and its conservation listing has recently been upgraded from amber to red.  It is not a common bird in East Glamorgan, with presence being recorded in just 15 tetrads in winter and 17 in the breeding season during the current Bird Atlas project. A new study,... Continue Reading →

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